11 Scientific Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Customer Enquiries or Sales From Facebook Marketing

The idea of selling your products or services on Facebook may seem like a very exciting marketing tactic considering there are around 3 million users in Singapore who are on Facebook.

This is a whopping 55% of Singapore’s population! Reaching more than half of Singapore’s population is a marketing method that’s too good for you to miss. Many businesses in Singapore are using or have tried using Facebook marketing or even Google SEM.

Unfortunately, many of them say that they’re not getting much sales from the platform. No worries, all is not lost and there is something you can do to get sales rolling in through Facebook.

We’ve helped clients generate $250,000 in sales consistently every month from Facebook marketing alone, so we’re gonna show you 11 scientific reasons why you’re not getting customer enquiries or sales from Facebook marketing.

1. Poor visuals

Source: https://goo.gl/90hPtl

Which is more appealing? The picture above, or the picture below?

Source: https://www.facebook.com/contemposg

Obviously the picture below, right? Having attractive images and videos as part of your social media marketing plan is an ever growing trend but the importance of good quality visuals on your Facebook page is too great to ignore.

Communicating on Facebook with poor visuals is a representation of the product or service potential customers can expect to experience. In fact, in certain industries, customers regard visuals of products/services higher than they do reviews or ratings. Good visual posts are three times more likely to be clicked on than just ordinary text.

High quality images and videos have been proven to increase conversions by over 80%. They will also make your brand stand out from the noisy online crowd and is a great way of making a memorable impression.

If you’re still not convinced, take a look at the direction Facebook is going in. They have advertising policies like not having more than 20% text in your ads. This shows you that Facebook wants to keep it’s platform visual. Another reason why good visuals are better is because we live in a cluttered world. We are bombarded with information every minute. Users don’t have much attention to pay to your boring visuals or long text posts.

As the adage goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. How true.

2. You’re overselling

Overselling on your Facebook page is criminal.

Customers dislike having to be constantly marketed at; after all they have to deal with this throughout their day and you certainly don’t want to add to their irritations. There’s a research that found we are bombarded by an average of 3,000 ads per day. That’s a hell lot of ads. We don’t have that much attention.

We are becoming blind to ads. Instead, your brand should embrace inbound marketing strategies to attract customers in by providing value to them. Providing value in the form of education and even entertainment is an effective way to grab their attention and keep them engaged enough to want to buy from you.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t sell to your customers. I’m just saying that in this day and age, when we are bombarded with so much ads every moment, you need to focus more on educating your customers. Your customers are getting smarter. They compare products before deciding on what to buy.

Consumers need to be educated, not sold to.

You have expert knowledge in your industry. Leverage on this. Use your knowledge to educate and engage your customers. When you educate, you conquer. You build trust. You’ll have your customers’ attention and they will value your business and the products and services you have to offer.

3. You’re not engaging with your audience

Just as with any relationship, communication is a two-way street. It’s not all about your business and what you have to say, but the voices of your customers are just as important.

Making your customers feel important, valued as well as making them feel that your business has an interest in them is an important engagement objective. Engagement on Facebook is in the form of likes, shares, and comments. All three are different ways to get your Facebook fans to interact with your brand.

The objective of Facebook comments would be to hear what your fans have to say, while likes and shares will help your brand increase your organic reach and visibility. In order to create engagement with your Facebook fans, your business should consider engagement tactics such as contests, questions or surveys as well as sharing content on current affairs and news that is relevant to your line of business.

4. Your Facebook page lacks a likeable personality

The reality is that people relate to people. They don’t relate to cold, impersonal businesses. Look at the big brands. From Ikea, to Nike, they all have a likeable personality that connects with consumers on an emotional level.

Creating a likeable personality on your Facebook page is critical in getting your customers to remember you. Staying top of mind in your customers’ head is the first step to selling them. People enjoy brands that are real, authentic and are relatable. Boring is not enjoyable and neither is it memorable.

People want to be empathized with. How does your business empathize with your customers? Knowing the needs/problems of your customers will help you to create a brand personality that they need in their lives, just like a friend. Once customers remember your brand, you will have their loyalty. Their loyalty is what will generate the sales you need from them.

5. Your products/services are simply not good enough

Sometimes, no matter how well you do your Facebook page and ads, the sales just doesn’t come.

The truth is that your products/services might not be good. People don’t need them, or your competitors have better products/services. Are you offering stuff better than your competitors? Are you giving more value to your customers compared to your competitors? *Note: Even though your products might be cheaper than your competitors, it doesn’t mean that you’re offering more value to your customers.

Customers want value for money, not cheapest products.

Does your product/service solve a problem? Great products/services solve a problem. If your products/services don’t solve a problem, it’s harder to sell to consumers. They don’t need it now. It’s a want, not a need. Even if your products/services solve a problem, are you actively communicating that on your Facebook page?

Even if your business offers the best priced products or services, as long as you’re not communicating this key message, then it’s difficult to get sales from any marketing efforts. You can communicate this key message on your Facebook page in two simple ways:

  • Cover photo
  • Pinned post

These two areas are areas where customers will look at immediately when they come to your Facebook page.

6. You’re not conveying your unique selling point (USP)

Chances are, your business has many competitors and you can’t stand out from the crowd. Having your USP conveyed will set you apart from your competitors and help your audience to make the decision to buy from you and not your competitors. Your USP should fulfil 3 criteria:

  • True – is your USP true? For e.g. cheapest furniture store in town. Is this claim true?
  • Relevant – is it relevant to your target market? Does it matter to them?
  • Provable – is it provable?

Customers don’t have the time to search high and low for your company’s USP. Make it prominent on your Facebook page.

7. There’s no proof

When customers land on your Facebook page, they only have a limited attention span of 15 seconds to look at it. Within that time frame, you need to show customers why you have a credible product.

That credibility is built from proof. Advertising has a bad name in Singapore. Many people get cheated. Singaporeans are becoming more skeptical. Without proof, people will surely not buy from you. We see your Facebook page as your 24/7 salesman. Salesmen need proof to sell, what more, a salesman that works for you 24/7.

People can come to your Facebook page anytime. They might not call you to enquire about your products/services. They might not give you a chance to explain. So, make sure that your Facebook posts, graphics, content, included some sort of proof that shows customers why they should trust you and buy from you.

Proof can come in the form of customer’s testimonials, before/after photos, celebrity endorsements, research backing, demonstration of how your product works, and many more.

8. Boring headlines

What is the first thing you notice when you scroll down your news feed either on Facebook or any other platform, other than a striking image? A great headline! Most Facebook users will just keep scrolling down their newsfeed if your headline doesn’t capture their attention. Spend some time brainstorming headlines before you post your content.

Keep your headlines curiosity-centered, so that customers will want to know more by clicking on your post. Check out this post on how to write great headlines.

9. Your competitors are doing it better

Consumers are getting more and more informed. With review sites like HungryGoWhere, TripAdvisor, Hardwarezone, Facebook pages, tons of websites in your niches etc, information is more transparent than ever. Consumers can find out what they want to find. Pricing of products, credibility of company, quality of products and many more.

Consumers do their research before buying. They will always go with what they feel is best. If customers are not buying from you regardless of what you do, the hard truth might be your products are not better than your competitors’. Spy on your competitors and follow what they are doing. Are they offering a better deal than you are?

What can you do to offer your customers better? Always stay on top of your competitors to remain competitive to ensure you are always offering better value to your customers.

10. Your product or service is not something anyone would buy online

While we live in a fast moving technology world where almost anything can be bought online, there are some cases where selling a particular product or service online is not practical.

Here’s an example: a man is looking for an engagement ring online, as he want to propose to his girlfriend. His budget is $5,000. While he may do a lot of online browsing, there is little chance he may make an online purchase of that value without seeing the ring in person first. There are many similar cases of scenarios where an online purchase is unlikely.

If your products or services fall under this umbrella then instead of expecting online sales, you should focus on driving the leads to your retail outlet. Think of ways to drive people down to your store, e.g. have an one-time discount coupon if they present it at your counter.

11. You’re not doing Facebook advertising

You thought you could get sales rolling in without paying a dollar for it? While this may be the most profitable scenario, unfortunately it may not be realistic. Facebook has become a pay-to-play platform.

Facebook organic reach is dead.

Organic reach has been shown to only reach 2% of your fans. That’s a hell lot of fans, not. It’s not even a significant number for Facebook pages with fans upwards of 100,000, what more small businesses with fans around 1,000? Spending money on Facebook advertising is a must. And most importantly, it has high positive ROI.

Facebook advertising allows you to target the people who’re interested in your kind of products/services at an extremely cheap price. Take a look at one of our client’s Facebook marketing results.

With an ad spend of $1,500, he was able to reach 227,135 people. The cost per click was only $0.12. Guess what was the sales result for this local retailer? $37,000.

What’s the ROI? A whopping 2466%. An ROI of 2466% is not a figure you can achieve with most other marketing channels. This particular client achieved an average ROI of only 153% on search engine marketing.

Of course, we’re not saying all clients will achieve this kind of results. It depends on many factors. But most of our clients achieve a significant positive ROI from Facebook marketing campaigns. After considering the reasons why people are not buying what you’re selling on Facebook, take a look at what you can improve and change.

We guarantee that you’ll see improvements in sales, based on our consistent track record of running profitable Facebook campaigns for our clients.

Want to know how we do it? Find out more and get your consultation from our Facebook marketing agency in Singapore.

Shane Yuen
Co-Founder, Managing Director
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